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ORBERA® Gastric Balloon

Weight loss, by conventional dietary changes and exercise programs is not always successful for patients in achieving their target weight loss goal. For patients who need an extra boost without undergoing any permanent changes to their gastrointestinal tract, the gastric balloon may be a good option. 

Gastric balloons have been used internationally for many years to help patients lose weight. Multiple modifications and technological enhancements have been made to the balloon to improve its safety profile and effectiveness. The ORBERA® gastric balloon placement is a temporary, non-invasive and reversible procedure in which a balloon is placed endoscopically into the stomach. This soft silicone balloon occupies space in the stomach and “tricks” your stomach into feeling full allowing you to eat less and feel full longer. The gastric balloon will remain in the stomach for up to 6 months allowing patients to lose significantly more weight than with just diet and exercise alone; the balloon is removed endoscopically.

What is ORBERA ® Gastric Balloon?

The ORBERA® gastric balloon placement is a temporary, non-invasive and reversible procedure in which a balloon is placed endoscopically into the stomach. This soft silicone balloon occupies space in the stomach making your stomach feel full faster allowing you to eat less.

How is ORBERA ® Gastric Balloon placement performed?

This is a same-day outpatient procedure that takes about 15 minutes. While you are lightly sedated, your highly trained interventional gastroenterologist will insert a long thin deflated balloon catheter through your mouth and into your stomach. Under direct visualization with a camera attached to a thin and flexible tube, the balloon will inflate with saline. The balloon will fill until it is about the size of a grapefruit. After about six months, you will return for another outpatient procedure in which the balloon is removed. During these six months, you will be enrolled in a supervised aftercare program in which a health coach will help you reach your weight loss goals. This service will also be available to you for an additional six months after the balloon is removed to help you maintain and continue to lose weight.

This is a same-day outpatient procedure that takes about 15 minutes. While you are lightly sedated, your highly trained interventional gastroenterologist will insert a long thin deflated balloon catheter through your mouth and into your stomach. Under direct visualization with a camera attached to a thin and flexible tube, the balloon will inflate with saline. The balloon will fill until it is about the size of a grapefruit. After about six months, you will return for another outpatient procedure in which the balloon is removed. During these six months, you will be enrolled in a supervised aftercare program in which a concierge health coach will help you reach your weight loss goals. This concierge service will also be available to you for an additional six months after the balloon is removed to help you maintain and continue to lose weight.

Are you a candidate for the ORBERA ® Gastric Balloon?

To be a candidate, you must be of at least 21 years of age (as authorized by the FDA) with a body mass index (BMI) of at least 30 (calculate your BMI here) and have not been able to lose adequate weight with diet and exercise. ORBERA ® is a great option if you do not want any permanent changes to your gastrointestinal tract and need some temporary help losing weight

How much weight can you lose?

Estimated weight loss from the ORBERA ® gastric balloon is up to 3x the amount of weight than what would be lost by diet and exercise alone. According to studies, the average amount of weight loss after ORBERA ® gastric balloon placement is 30-50 pounds with some reported to have lost more than 100 pounds. Placement of the balloon is just the beginning of your weight loss journey and we are committed to giving you the tools you need to maintain your weight loss even after the balloon is removed.

What can you expect after the procedure?

After being closely monitored, you will likely be discharged a few hours after the procedure. You will likely experience symptoms of nausea, bloating and possibly vomiting. These symptoms will usually disappear after your body becomes accustomed to the smaller space in your stomach and you will likely be able to return to work in 2-3 days. We will prescribe medications for use before and after your procedure to help manage these symptoms. Serious symptoms requiring medical attention will be thoroughly discussed at your consultation visit and prior to your procedure. 

We also offer an aftercare nutritional program for patients after the procedure.  We will help you through your recovery while giving you tools to help you stay on track and have peace of mind that you are being cared for. 

After being closely monitored, you will likely be discharged a few hours after the procedure. You will likely experience symptoms of nausea, bloating and possibly vomiting. These symptoms will usually disappear after your body becomes accustomed to the smaller space in your stomach and you will likely be able to return to work in 2-3 days. We will prescribe medications for use before and after your procedure to help manage these symptoms. Serious symptoms requiring medical attention will be thoroughly discussed at your consultation visit and prior to your procedure. 

We also offer a 24/7 concierge aftercare service for our patients. The aftercare program offers multiple benefits such as individualized meal planning and shopping lists, unlimited text messaging support  (including on evenings and weekends), therapy and optional counseling with loved ones. We will help you through your recovery while giving you tools to help you stay on track and peace of mind that you are being cared for.  

Will you have any dietary or activity restrictions after the procedure?

Yes, now that your stomach has significantly less space due to the balloon, you will not be able to eat the same quantity of food that you were able to prior to your procedure. You will be given a booklet with dietary recommendations regarding what you should and should not eat in the days to weeks after the procedure while your stomach accommodates to its new size. In addition to dietary modifications, we will also assist you in exercise planning with trained experts who will work with you individually to track your progress. These lifestyle changes are meant to be lifelong to help you maintain your weight loss

What are the risks of the ORBERA ® Gastric Balloon

Gastric balloon placement and removal are non-invasive procedures. Over the years, the balloon has been modified to have now become a safe and effective approach to weight loss. The risk of any major complication is <1%. These extremely low risks include but are not limited to: bowel obstruction, bowel perforation, hyperinflation and deflation of balloon, stomach ulceration, pancreatitis and death.

How much does ORBERA ® cost?

The ORBERA ® procedure costs $8,999. This cost not only covers the procedure but also your journey to wellness consisting of post procedure follow-up appointments and lifestyle coaching/support available to you for up to one year. These procedures are not currently covered by insurance companies. We understand financial limitations can be a barrier to undergoing elective treatments to improve your health. We have finance options available including CareCredit to help you move 4ward in your wellness journey.

*These costs do not reflect any lab work and/or fees as outlined in your consultation

Are you from out of town?

We at 4ward Wellness welcome patients from anywhere, and we know it is crucial to have the right accommodation when visiting us. Located 20 minutes from Albany International Airport, 4ward Wellness is looking forward, in the future, to partnering with nearby hotels. For now, we encourage you to choose from the many accommodations in the greater Albany area. Our friendly staff can help you find accommodation that is suitable for your needs. Let us know how we can help.




Remember, this is not just a one-time visit, but is a long-term journey. You will return the next day to receive IV fluids at our infusion center. We will check in during this visit to assess your recovery.  Scheduled follow up appointments will take place in the office soon after the procedure and every couple months until you are scheduled to have the balloon removed 6 months from the date of placement. 

During the 1 year following your procedure, you will have frequent follow-ups with a nutritional team. During these visits, a comprehensive review of your diet and physical activity will be performed and monitored. 

For more information regarding the ORBERA ® balloon, please visit the patient information booklet


Initial Consultation


Gastric Balloons



Please call our office to schedule a consultation and to learn more about procedure pricing. The initial consultation is $99 and will be applied towards the cost of the procedure upon scheduling.


Gastric Balloon


Financing options available with credit approval.  Click HERE to apply.

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